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This is a time for bold courage! (Journal Entry 4-14-23)

Writer: PJ ClarkPJ Clark

Her heart raced as she heard Him speak to her.

Go deep, my daughter. Deep into the crevasses of your heart.

There is courage there. I placed it in you. This courage comes from my Perfect Love that casts out fear.

Love so deep, I gave My all for you to have it. For freedom, courage, and breakthrough.

So few know this love, but you have indeed found it.

You've stepped into the frequencies of heaven itself.

So gloriously beautiful, full-bodied, abundant, a rich deep red, expressing my love for you, from My best and finest of wine.

My blood poured out for you. That still flows today, an unending fountain of my great love for you.

Let the tears flow, my beautiful one. My eyes see you. Look, here I Am.

Breathe Me in. My Holy Spirit is here. He will help you to dig deeper into these ancient wells.

I have so much more for you. My love that 'leaves you breathless.'

Practice staying in this place with Me.

The deep well of My perfect love.

It's here for you; anytime, anywhere,

an unending fount of my love flowing into your heart, and soul.

It purifies, cleanses, and washes all those fears away.

You are my pure, white, spotless bride.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7


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