Warrior Dance: From Darkness to Glory!
Chapter Four: Tactics for the Battlefield
Warrior Tactic #3: Creating Powerful Prophetic Images With Art
Prophetic art has changed my life.
These images have given me powerful breakthroughs
of healing, hope, and strength
as I enter into unseen worlds from the kingdom of God.
I discovered that as I pick up my pencil to draw or my brush to paint, they become a sword in the spiritual realm as I allow the Holy Spirit
to wield what's in my heart through drawing and painting.
In this creative heavenly atmosphere,
God's Word comes alive with breath and spirit
as these images take root in my soul
to strengthen, guide, and ground me. 
"The essence of creating prophetic art is learning to listen with the ears of your spirit via your imagination in order to release the Light and Life of God through the work you create."
Matt Tommey